Strategic Financial Management-II

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Derivatives Analysis and Valuation
(i) Forward/ Future Contract
(ii) Options
(iii) Swaps
(iv) Commodity Derivatives

Startup Finance
(i) Introduction including Pitch Presentation
(ii) Sources of Funding
(iii) Start up India Initiative


II Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk Management
(i) Exchange rate determination
(ii) Foreign currency market
(iii) Management of transaction, translation and economic exposures
(iv) Hedging currency risk
(v) Foreign exchange derivatives – Forward, futures, options and swaps
17. Small & Medium Enterprises
(i) Introduction: Market Size, Employment Generation and Contribution to GDP
(ii) Financing: Expansion of SMEs
(iii) Listing SMEs


III International Financial Management
(i) International Capital Budgeting
(ii) International Working Capital Management
a) Multinational Cash Management
- Objectives of Effective Cash Management
- Optimization of Cash Flows/ Needs
- Investment of Surplus Cash
b) Multinational Receivable Management
c) Multinational Inventory Management
12. Interest Rate Risk Management
(i) Interest Rate Risk
(ii) Hedging Interest Rate Risk
a) Traditional Methods
b) Modern Methods including Interest Rate Derivatives


IV Corporate Valuation
(i) Conceptual Framework of Valuation
(ii) Approaches/ Methods of Valuation
a) Assets Based Valuation Model
b) Earning Based Models
c) Cash Flow Based Models
d) Measuring Cost of Equity
- Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
- Arbitrage Pricing Theory
- Estimating Beta of an unlisted company
e) Relative Valuation
- Steps involved in Relative Valuation
- Equity Valuation Multiples
- Enterprise Valuation Multiple
f) Other Approaches to Value Measurement
- Economic Value Added (EVA)
- Market Value Added (MVA)
- Shareholder Value Analysis (SVA)
g) Arriving at Fair Value


V Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring
(i) Conceptual Framework
(ii) Rationale
(iii) Forms
(iv) Mergers and Acquisitions
a) Financial Framework
b) Takeover Defensive Tactics
c) Reverse Merger
(v) Divestitures
a) Partial Sell off
b) Demerger
c) Equity Carve outs
(vi) Ownership Restructuring
a) Going Private
b) Management/ Leveraged Buyouts
(vii) Cross Border Mergers
International Financial Centre (IFC)
(i) Constituents of IFC
(ii) Islamic Finance
a) Major difference between Islamic Finance and other forms of Finance
b) Concept of Riba
c) Major Islamic Financial Instruments


1. Study Material Published by ICAI
2. Scanner-Arun Kumar (Suchitra Prakashan (P) Ltd)
3. Financial Management- Theory & Practice: Prasanna Chandra(Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co New Delhi)
4. Financial Management-Principles & Practice: Sultan Chand & Sons, Darya Ganj New Delhi)
5. Financial Management-S.C Kuchhal(Chaitanaya Publishing House Allahabad)
6. Financial Management-I.M Pandey(Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd)
7. Financial Management and Policy-V.K Bhalla (Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd)

Note- The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calculator that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories and should be noiseless and cordless

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