Project file which contains solution of practical problems related to
Filling of Income Tax Return for Individual
Computation of Total Income and Tax with the help of software
Business Studies
Paper-I: Business Management
Objective: The objective of this practical is to connect the theoretical concepts and learning to applied aspect of the subject and bridge the gap between theory and applied management.
Practical contents:
Paper-II: Company Management and Secretarial Practice
Objective-- The Objective of this practical is to connect the theoretical concepts and learning to applied aspect of the subject and bridge the gap between theory and corporate world practices. This paper aims at helping the students learn to fulfill various types of documentation formalities required under the Indian Companies Act, 1956.
Practical Contents-- Student should be acquainted with the importance and filling procedure of the following documents related to a company:~
Financial Studies
Objective--To acquaint the students with practical aspects of various policies and planning in designing the structure of Indian Economy.
Practical:- A Project file and presentation to be prepared by the student on any one of the following topics:-