Unit- I
Preparation of questionnaire and collection of data.
Unit- II
Classification and tabulation of collected data.
Unit- III
Calculation of descriptive statistics.
Unit- IV
Preparation of Financial Statements of companies.
Unit- V
Computerized Accounting: Use of Accounting Software Tally; Creation of Company; Creation of Ledger Account; Voucher Entry, Maintenance of Inventory Record; Analysis of Trial Balance & Final Accounts.
1. Corporate Accounting-Agarwal, Jain, Sharma, Shah , Mangal (Ramesh Book Depot)
2. Modern Accountancy- A Mukherjee& M Hanif (Tata Mc Graw Hill)
3. Corporate Accounting-Jain, Khandelwal, Pareek (Ajmera Book Company)
1. Advanced Accounts-Shukla, Grewal, Gupta (S.Chand) 2. Advanced Accountancy-S.N Maheshwari (Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd) 3. Advanced Accountancy- S.P Jain& K.L Narang , (Kalyani Publishers) 4. Corporate Accounting: Anil, Rajesh Mariyappa ( Himalaya Publishing House) 5. Accounting Theory-L.S Porwal (Tata,Mc Graw Hill)