To give in-depth study of different cost concepts, markets and various aspects of theory of Factor distribution
Cost Analysis: Real cost, Opportunity cost, Money cost, Explicit and Implicit cost. Short run cost curves and Long run cost curves Revenue analysis: Concept and types
General theory of price Determination: Equilibrium of Demand and supply, Effect s of change in Demand and supply on price. Role of Time element in Price Determination: Price determination under very short, short period and long run. Difference between Market price and Normal Price.
Market: Meaning, Characteristics of Market, Classification Of Market Price and Output determination under: Pure & Perfect Competition and Monopoly
Price and Output determination under : Discriminating Monopoly, Dumping, Monopolistic competition and Oligopoly- Perfect collusion, Independent pricing ( Kinked Demand Model).
Factor Pricing: Factor Pricing in perfect market, Factor Pricing in imperfect market. Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution.
Somdeo, Business Economics, RBD,Jaipur
Mathur.N.D, Business Economics,Shivam Publications,Jaipur
Jain, Khanna and Tiwari, Modern business Economics, V.K.Enterprises, New Delhi
Dwivedi D.N, Managerial Economics, Vikas Publications, Delhi
Koutsoyiannis, Modern Economics, New York, Macmillan,1991
Keat Paul G & K.Y.Young, Managerial Economics, Prentice Hall, New Jersey
Dipsey R.G and Cheystal, Principles of economy, Oxford university Press