Higher Accounting

Paper Code: 
ATG 417
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The objective this course is to gain expert knowledge of principle and procedure of advance accounting and their application in different practical situations.




Learning outcome

 (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

ATG  417

Higher Accounting


CO148:Compare and Evaluate the financials of holding companies

CO149: Implementation of applications of IAS 102 in various companies

CO150:Interpret various concepts of inflation accounting and human resource accounting.

CO151:Organize & Explain various Corporate Reports and Information Disclosures.

CO152:Evaluate and interpret application based problems.

Learning Strategies:
1. Reading the consolidated and standalone balance sheets of listed companies
2. Reading cases of companies where IAS 102 is implemented.
3. Solving numerical problems with the help of Ms Excel.
4. Reading corporate reports of companies and learning the concept of information disclosures.
5. Applying the concept of price level changes in current scenario
Teaching Strategies
1. Providing the source of information and various case studies.
2. Enabling the problem solving skills with the help of Ms Excel
3. Showing and reading various corporate reports.
4. PPTs presentation on theoritical topics.

1. Evaluation of PPT's
2. Ms Excel Solution files
3. Quizzes
4. CA Test
5. Assignments
6. End Term Test


Unit I: 
Accounting for Holding Companies-

Consolidated Financial Statements including inter-company transactions and investments.

Unit II: 
Indian Accounting Standard 102 :

Share Based Payment  - Examine the transactions as share based payment transactions, Study the various types of share based payments, Recognize and measure the share based payment transactions in the books, (1 Equity Settled- Share Based Payments, 2. Cash Settled- Share Based Payments, 3. Share Based Payment Transactions with Cash Alternatives with numerical)

Unit III: 
Human Resources Accounting:

Concept and Methods

Accounting for Price Level Changes: Meaning, Significance and Limitation, Various approaches and methods of accounting under changing price levels

Unit IV: 
Corporate Reporting and Information Disclosures:

Concept of adequate disclosures, Methods of Disclosures, Indian Company Law and Disclosure Practice, Reporting for Investor and Employees. Social Responsibility Accounts.

Unit V: 
Value Added Accounting

Concept and Technique, Economic Value Added, Market Value Added, Practical approaches of Value added accounting.

Social Accounting: Assumptions, Methods and techniques.

Essential Readings: 
  1. ICAI Financial Management Module – Chapter  - Indian Accounting Standard 102 : Share Based Payment.
  2. Higher Accounting: Jain, Khandelwal, Pareek
  3. Advanced Accounts: R. L Gupta & R Radhaswamy( S.Chand& Sons)
  4. Corporate Accounting - S.N Maheshwari and S.K Maheshwari(Vikash Publishing House Pvt Ltd)


  1. Modern Accountancy- A Mukharjee& M Hanif (Tata Mc Graw Hill)
  2. Accounting Theory-L.S  Porwal(Tata,Mc Graw Hill)
  3. Advanced Accounts-Shukla, Grewal, Gupta(S.Chand)
  4. Advanced Accountancy-S.N Maheshwari(Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd)

Note- The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calculator that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories and should be noiseless and cordless


Academic Year: