
Paper Code: 
BCS 411
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To acquire expert knowledge of the practical and procedural aspects of the Companies Act.


Conceptual Framework of Corporate Governance :Introduction, Need and Scope, Evolution of Corporate Governance, Management vs. Ownership, Majority vs. Minority, Corporate Governance codes in major jurisdictions, Sarbanes Oxley Act, US Securities and Exchange Commission; OECD Principles of Corporate Governance; Developments in India, Corporate Governance in Indian Ethos, Corporate Governance – Contemporary Developments.


Legislative Framework of Corporate Governance in India: Listed Companies, Unlisted Companies, PSUs, Banks and Insurance Companies.

Board Effectiveness: Composition and Structure, Duties and Liabilities, Evolution of Jurisprudence, Diversity in Board Room, Women Director, Nominee Directors; Selection and Appointment Process, Independent Directors: expectations, liabilities and their role, code of conduct, responsibilities and effectiveness.


Board Processes through Secretarial Standards.

Board Committees: Composition & Terms of Reference, Roles and Responsibilities.

Corporate Policies &Disclosures: Various policies and disclosures to be made as per regulatory requirements / voluntarily made as part of good governance.


Directors’ Training, Development and familiarization.

Performance Evaluation of Board and Management: Evaluation of the performance of the Board as a whole, individual directors (including independent directors and Chairperson), various Committees of the Board and of the management.

Role of promoter/controlling shareholder, redressal against Oppression and Mismanagement.

Monitoring of group entities and subsidiaries.

Accounting and Audit related issues.


Related Party Transactions.

Vigil Mechanism/Whistle blower.

Corporate Governance and Shareholders’ Rights.

Corporate Governance and other Stakeholders: Employees, Customers, Lenders, Vendors, Government and Regulators, Society, etc.


Governance and Compliance Risk: Governance/Compliance failure and their impact on business, reputation and fund raising.

Corporate Governance Forums.

Parameters of Better Governed Companies: ICSI National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance.

Dealing with Investor Associations, Proxy Services Firms and Institutional Investors.

Family Enterprise and Corporate Governance.


1. Study Material Published by ICSI

2. Scanner-Arun Kumar (Suchitra Prakashan (P) Ltd

Academic Year: