Accounting Standards1 to 13 and relevant Accounting Standards Interpretations
Accounting Standards16, 18, 20, 21, 23 and 27 and relevant Accounting Standards Interpretations and Guidance Notes on various accounting aspects issued by the ICAI and their applications.
Introduction of Indian Accounting Standards; Comparative study of ASs vis a vis Ind ASs ;Carve outs/ins in Ind ASs vis a vis IFRS
Corporate Financial Reporting - Issues and problems with special reference to published financial statements.
Consolidated Financial Statements of Group Companies
Concept of a Group, purposes of consolidated financial statements, minority interest Goodwill, Consolidation procedures – Minority interests, Goodwill, Treatment of pre-acquisition and post acquisition profit.
Consolidation with two or more subsidiaries, consolidation with foreign subsidiaries. Consolidated profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow statement. Treatment of investment in associates in consolidated financial statements. Treatment of investment in joint ventures in consolidated financial statements
Developments in Financial Reporting(a)Value Added Statement (b)Economic Value Added, (c)Market Value Added, (d)Shareholders’ value added(e)Human Resource Reporting
1. Financial reporting- M.P. VIJAYAKUMAR
2. Financial Reporting: Sekar G(C Sitaraman Co Pvt Ltd)
3. Financial Reporting: Praveen Sharam(Smart Teach Ltd)
4. Study Material Published by ICAI
5. Scanner-Arun Kumar (Suchitra Prakashan (P) Ltd)
(1)The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calculator that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories and should be noiseless and cordless
(2) If either old Accounting Standards (ASs), Accounting Standards interpretations(ASIs), Guidance Notes (GNs), Announcements and Limited Revisions to ASs are withdrawn or new ASs, GNs, announcements and Limited Revisions to AS are issued byt the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India in place of existing ASs, ASIs, GNs, Announcements and Limited Revisions to AS, the syllabus will accordingly include/exclude such new developments in the place of the existing ones with effect from the date to beNotified by the Institute.