Financial Management and Strategic Management

Paper Code: 
BCS 312
Contact Hours: 
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To acquire knowledge and understanding of the concepts, techniques and practices of cost and management accounting and to develop skills for decision making.


Nature and Scope of Financial Management: Nature, Scope and Objectives of Financial Management; Risk-Return and Value of the Firm; Objectives of the firm; Profit Maximization vs. Wealth Maximization; Emerging roles of Finance Managers.

Capital Budgeting: Compounding and Discounting techniques- Concepts of Annuity and Perpetuity; Capital Budgeting Process; Techniques of Capital Budgeting- Discounted and Non- Discounted Cash Flow Methods; Capital Rationing; Risk Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis.


Capital Structure: Introduction- Meaning and Significance; Optimal Capital Structure; Determinants of Capital Structure; Theories of Capital Structure; EBIT - EPS Analysis; EBITDA Analysis; Risk and Leverage; Effects of Leverage on Shareholders’ Returns.

Sources of raising long-term finance and Cost of Capital: Sources, Meaning, Factors Affecting Cost of Capital; Methods for Calculating cost of capital; Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC); Marginal Cost of Capital.

Project Finance: Project Planning – Preparation of Project Report, Project Appraisal under Normal Inflationary and Deflationary Conditions; Project Appraisal by Financial Institutions – Lending Policies and Appraisal Norms by Financial Institutions and Banks; Project Review and Control; Social Cost and Benefit Analysis of Project. Term loans from Financial institutions and Banks; Lease and Hire Purchase Finance; Venture Capital Funds; Private Equity; International Finance and Syndication of Loans, Deferred Payment Arrangements; Corporate Taxation and its Impact on Corporate Financing; Financing Cost Escalation.

Dividend Policy: Introduction- Types; Determinants and Constraints of Dividend Policy; Forms of Dividend; Different Dividend Theories.


Working Capital : Meaning, Types, Determinants and Assessment of Working Capital Requirements, Negative Working Capital; Operating Cycle Concept and Applications of Quantitative Techniques; Management of Working Capital – Cash Receivables Inventories; Financing of Working Capital; Banking Norms and Macro Aspects; Factoring and Forfaiting.

Security Analysis: Measuring of Systematic and Unsystematic Risk; Fundamental Analysis (Economic, Industry and Company); Technical Analysis and Efficient Market Hypothesis.

Portfolio Management: Meaning, Objectives; Portfolio Theory -Traditional Approach; Markowitz Portfolio Theory; Modern Approach - CAPM Model; Economic Value Added; Sharpe Single & Multi Index Model; Risk Adjusted Measure of Performance


Introduction to Management: An Overview of functions of management.

Introduction to Strategic Management: An Overview- Meaning & Process; Strategic Leadership; Functions and Importance for Professionals like Company Secretaries; Environmental Influences of Business-Characteristics and Components of Business Environment, Factors of Micro & Macro Environment of Business; Competitive Environment and Porter’s Five Force Model.

Business Policy and Formulation of Functional Strategy: Introduction to Business Policy; Framework of Strategic Management; Strategic Decision Model; Vision; Mission; Objectives and Goals; Strategic Levels of the Organization; Formulation of Functional Strategy-Formulation of Financial; Marketing; Production; Human Resource and Logistics strategies


Strategic Analysis and Planning: Situational Analysis, Strategic Choices-SWOT and TOWS Analysis; PERT (Programme Evaluation Review Technique) and CPM (Critical Path Method);Portfolio analysis-Boston Consulting Group (BCG) growth share Matrix, Ansoff’s Product Growth Matrix, ADL Matrix and General Electric (GE) Model; Strategic Planning; Strategic Alternatives-Glueck and Jauch and Michael Porter’s Generic Strategies.

Strategic Implementation and Control: Issues in Strategy Implementation; Various Organizational Structures and Strategy

Implementation; Leadership and its forms ; Strategic Change and Control.

Analysing Strategic Edge: Introduction to Business Process Reengineering; Concept of Benchmarking; Introduction to Total Quality Management and Six Sigma.


Study Material Issued by ICSI

Scanner-Arun Kumar(Shuchita Prakashan (P) Ltd)

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