Direct Tax Laws and Practice-II

Paper Code: 
BCS 317
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To acquire knowledge of practical and procedural aspects relating to Direct Tax Laws


Clubbing provisions and Set Off and / or Carry Forward of Losses: Income of other persons included in Assessee’s Total Income; Aggregation of Income; Set off and / or Carry forward of losses.

Deductions from Gross Total Income & Rebate and Relief: Deductions in respect of certain payments; Specific deductions in respect of certain income; Deductions in respect for donations for expenditure under CSR activities; Rebates and Reliefs.


Computation of Total Income and Tax Liability of various entities : Individual; Hindu Undivided Family ‘HUF’; Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT); Partnership Firm / LLP; Co-operative Societies; Association of Person ‘AOP’ and Body of Individual ‘BOI’; Political Parties; Electoral Trusts; Exempt organization – Registration u/s 12A/ 12AA;

Classification and Tax Incidence on Companies : Computation of taxable income and tax liability of Company; Dividend Distribution Tax; Minimum Alternate Tax ‘MAT’; Other Special Provisions Relating to Companies; Equalization Levy.


Procedural Compliance : Permanent Account Number ‘PAN’ / Tax Collection Account Number ‘TAN’; Tax Deduction at Source ‘TDS’ & Tax Collection at Source ‘TCS’; Advance Tax &Self Assessment Tax ‘SAT’; Returns, Signatures, E-Filing ; Fee and interest for default in furnishing return of Income ; Collection, Recovery of Tax, Refunds.


Assessment, Appeals & Revision: Assessment; Types of Assessment; Appeals; Revisions; Search, Seizure, Penalty and Offences.


Overview of Customs Act: Overview of Customs Law; Levy and collection of customs duties; Types of Custom duties; Classification and valuation of import and export goods; Exemption; Officers of customs; Administration of Customs Law; Import and Export Procedures; Transportation, and Warehousing; Duty Drawback; Demand and Recovery; Confiscation of Goods and Conveyances; Refund.


1. Corporate Tax Planning – EA Shrinivas (Mc Graw Hill Education (India) Ltd)

2. Corporate Tax Planning and Management – Girish Ahuja & Ravi Gupta (Bharat Law House Pvt Ltd)

3. Direct Tax Law & Practice- Girish Ahuja & Ravi Gupta (Bharat Law House Pvt Ltd)

4. Corporate Taxation –H.P Ranina-(Orient Law House, Allahabad)

5. Study Material Published by ICSI

6. Scanner: Arun Kumar (Shuchita Prakashans P Ltd)

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