Course Outcomes (COs):
Course Outcomes |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
On completion of this course, the students will be able to; CO 33:Ability to analyze and interpret the provisions of direct tax laws and recommend solutions to practical problems. CO 34:Compute income under various heads after allowing deductions available there under. CO 35:develop a correlation of the concepts, principles and provisions of International Taxation and acquire the ability to apply such knowledge to make computations and to address application-oriented issues CO 36:Comprehend and appreciate the country by county reporting requirements and related matters incorporated in income tax law. Assessing the concept of slump sale, restructuring etc. CO 37:Gaining understanding about the issue of shares and anti transmission process. |
Class lectures Seminars Tutorials Group discussions and Workshops Question preparation |
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects |
Corporate Tax Planning & Tax Management: Tax Planning, Tax Management; Tax Avoidance v/s Tax Evasion; Areas of Corporate Tax Planning; Tax Planning Management Cell.
General Anti Avoidance Rules ‘GAAR’: Basic concept of GAAR; Impermissible avoidance arrangement; Arrangement to lack commercial substance; Application of GAAR Rule; GAAR v/s SAAR.
Taxation of Companies, Tax incidence on Companies including foreign company; Minimum Alternate Tax ‘MAT’; Dividend Distribution Tax; Alternate Minimum Tax ‘AMT’;
Taxation of LLP and Non-resident: Tax incidence on LLP; Taxation of Non-resident Entities.
Tax Treaties: Introduction, Double Taxation, Double Taxation Relief, Objectives of Tax Treaties, Application of Tax Treaties, Interpretation of Tax Treaties, Process of Negotiating Tax Treaties, Relationship between Tax Treaties & Domestic Law , Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA), DTAA Treaty With Argentina – Bare View
Basics of International Taxation
i. Transfer Pricing: Introduction & Concept of Arm’s Length Price; International and Specified Domestic Transaction; Transfer Pricing Methods; Advance Pricing Agreement & Roll Back Provision; Documentation and Return.
ii. Place of Effective Management (POEM) :Concept of POEM; Guidelines of determining POEM.
Income Tax Implication on specified transactions: Slump Sale; Restructuring; Buy Back of shares; Redemption of Preference shares; Issue of shares at Premium; Transfer of shares; Reduction of share Capital; Gifts, cash credits, unexplained money, investments etc.
· Study Material Published by ICSI
· Scanner-Arun Kumar(ShuchitaPrakashans(P) Ltd)