Cost and Management Audit

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The Objective of this course is to gain knowledge of Cost and Management Audit procedures and techniques and their application       

Unit I: 

Cost Audit: Meaning, Object, Advantage Cost Audit of Material, Labour and Overhead. Appointment, Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Cost Auditor under the companies Act 2013

Unit II: 

Relationship between statutory financial auditor, Cost Auditor and Internal Auditor..

Cost Accounting Record Rules: requirements, Maintenance of Cost Accounting Records,  CARR in different Industries with special reference to cement industry and steel industry.

Unit III: 

Preparation of the Cost Audit Programme: Evaluation of internal control system including material inventory, capacity utilization, management information system and internal audit.

Cost Audit Report. Audit and Investigation for specify purpose. Advance Report writing with reference to specific situations and problems

Unit IV: 

Management Audit: Meaning, Nature, and Scope, Qualities of Management Auditor, Concept of Efficiency Audit, Proprietary Audit and Operational Audit

Management Information System:Concept , Role and importance, impact.

Unit V: 

Specific areas of Management Audit involving review of internal control, review of purchasing control, review of selling and distribution policies and programmes, review of manufacturing operations.

Essential Readings: 
  1. Auditing: Jain, Khandelwal (Shivam Publisher)
  2. Students Guide to Auditing: ArunaJha (Taxmann)
  3. Auditing: Jain, Khandelwal, Pareek (Ramesh Book Depot)
  4. Auditing Theory & Practice: A.K Singh (Galgotia Publishing Company New Delhi)


  1. Contemporary Auditing: Kamal Gupta(Tata Mc-Graw Hill)
  2. Auditing: Principle and Practice, S.D Sharma (Taxmann)
  3. Auditing Principles and Problems: T.R Sharma (SahityaBhawan Agra)
  4. Practical Auditing: Spicer& Pegler
  5. Fundamental of Auditing: Gupta &Arora (Tata McGraw Hill)


Academic Year: