To acquire expert knowledge of the practical and procedural aspects of corporate governance
CO 1: To gain a knowledge about Conceptual Framework of Corporate Governance and Legislative Framework of Corporate Governance in India
CO 2: Awareness about Board Committees and their Composition & Terms of Reference, Roles and Responsibilities.
CO 3: Correlating about Directors’ Training, Development and familiarization.
Performance Evaluation of Board and Management , Role of promoter/controlling shareholder, redressal against Oppression and Mismanagement.
CO 4 : Moderating the concept of Related Party Transactions.
Vigil Mechanism/Whistle blower.
risk, compliances and forums of corporate governance.
Conceptual Framework of Corporate Governance : • Introduction, Need and Scope, Evolution of Corporate Governance, Management vs. Ownership, Majority vs. Minority, Corporate Governance codes in major jurisdictions, Sarbanes Oxley Act, US Securities and Exchange Commission; OECD Principles of Corporate Governance; Developments in India, Corporate Governance in Indian Ethos, Corporate Governance – Contemporary Developments. • Board Effectiveness-Issues and Challenges: Composition and Structure, Duties and Liabilities, Evolution of Jurisprudence, Diversity in Board Room, Women Director, Nominee Directors; Selection and Appointment Process, Independent Directors: expectations, liabilities and their role, code of conduct, responsibilities and effectiveness.
: Legislative Framework of Corporate Governance in India: • Companies, Unlisted Companies, PSUs, Banks and Insurance Companies. • Board Committees: Composition & Terms of Reference, Roles and Responsibilities.
Legislative Framework of Corporate Governance in India: 09hrs
• : PSUs, Banks and Insurance Companies.
• Governance and Compliance Risk: Governance/Compliance failure and their impact on business, reputation and fund raising..
Corporate Governance and Shareholders’ Rights.
• Corporate Governance and other Stakeholders: Employees, Customers, Lenders, Vendors, Government and Regulators ,Society, etc.
: Corporate Governance Forums.
• Promoters and Minority Shareholders.
• Study Material Published by ICSI
• Scanner-Arun Kumar(ShuchitaPrakashans(P) Ltd)