Course Objectives:
This course will enable the students to understand concepts and computation of direct tax liability of various assesses.
Course Outcomes (COs):
Course |
Course Outcomes |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Course Code |
Course Title |
BCS 217 |
Advanced Tax
CO 85:Explain the provisions of Deductions under Chapter VI-A of Income Tax Act, 1961 and income which do not form part of Total Income. CO 86:Explore the provisions relating to computation of tax liability of Individuals and Hindu Undivided Family. CO 87:Evaluate different provisions relating calculation of tax liability of different entities. CO 88:Determine the special provisions of income tax related to assessment of companies. CO 89:Appraise special provisions of income tax related to Advance payment of Tax, TDS, TCS and Procedure of assessment. CO 90:Contribute effectively in course – specific interaction. |
Approach in teaching: Learning activities for the students: |
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Class interaction, Presentation, Case study analysis, Open ended questions, think-pair-share, Socratic seminar |
Incomes which do not form part of Total Income.
Deductions: Deductions in respect of certain payments, Specific deductions in respect of certain income, Deductions in respect of donations for expenditure under CSR activities
Hindu Undivided Family ‘HUF’;
Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT);
Partnership Firm / LLP;
Co-operative Societies;
Association of Person ‘AOP’ and Body of Individual ‘BOI’;
Political Parties;
Electoral Trusts;
Exempt organization – Registration u/s 12A/ 12AA;
Tax Rates;
Computation of taxable income and tax liability of Company; Dividend Distribution Tax; Minimum Alternate Tax ‘MAT’; Other Special Provisions Relating to Companies; Equalization Levy, Carbon Credit
Tax Deduction at Source ‘TDS’ & Tax Collection at Source ‘TCS’ , Advance Tax &Self Assessment Tax ‘SAT’, Filing of Returns, Fee and interest for default in furnishing return of Income
Essential Readings:
Suggested Readings:
E- Content:
Note- The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calculator that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories and should be noiseless and cordless.