Capital Market and Securities Laws

Paper Code: 
BCS 215
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To acquire knowledge and understanding of securities laws and the regulatory framework of capital markets.


Overview of Capital Market

• Indian Capital Market

• Authorities Governing Capital Markets in India

• Profile of Securities Market

• Securities Market Reforms and Regulatory Measures to Promote Investor Confidence

• Features of Developed Capital Market: IOSCO

• Overview of Depository System in India

Capital Market Instruments and Rating

• Capital Market Instruments: Equity, Debentures, Preference Shares, Sweat Equity, Non-Voting Shares, Share Warrants

• Pure, Hybrid and Derivatives

• Rating and Grading of Instruments: Concept, Scope and Significance, Regulatory Framework

• Rating Agencies in India, Rating Methodologies

Securities Market Intermediaries

• Primary Market and Secondary Market Intermediaries: Role and Functions, Merchant Bankers, Stock Brokers, Syndicate Members, Registrars, Underwriters, Bankers to an Issue, Portfolio Managers, Debenture Trustees, Foreign Institutional Investors, Depositories, Depositories Participants, Custodians, Credit Rating Agencies, Venture Capitalists.


Market Infrastructure Institutions - Stock Exchanges

• Functions and Significance of Stock Exchanges

• Operations and Trading Mechanism of Stock Exchanges

• Settlement of Securities, Stock Market Indices, Risk Management,

Surveillance Mechanism at Stock Exchanges, Straight through Processing

• Demutualization of Stock Exchanges

• SME Exchange

Debt Market

• Debt Market: Instruments, Listing, Primary and Secondary Segment

Money Market

• Growth of Money Market in India – Structure and Institutional Mechanism

• Money Market Instruments: Treasury Bills, Commercial Bills, Commercial Paper, Factoring Agreements & Discounting of Bill

Mutual Funds

  • Mutual Fund: Introduction, Definitions, Schemes, Risks Involved, Setting Up of Mutual Funds, Role in Financial Market
  • Advantage of Investment in Mutual Fund, Concept of Trustee and Asset Management Company
  • Legal & Regulatory Framework. Offer Document, Accounting Valuation & Taxation, Investment Management: Equity & Debt Portfolio, Measuring & Evaluating Mutual Fund Performance, Investor's Rights and Obligations

Venture Capital

  • Concept of Venture Capital
  • Registration, Investment Conditions and Restrictions
  • Foreign Venture Capital Investors
  • Private Capital Funds

Collective Investment Schemes

  • Regulatory Framework
  • Restrictions on Business Activities
  • Submission of Information and Documents
  • Trustees and their Obligations

Resource Mobilization in International Capital Market

  • Listing of Securities Issued Outside India
  • Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds
  • Global Depository Receipts
  • American Depository Receipts
  • External Commercial Borrowings
  • Procedure for Issue of Various Instruments

Indian Depository Receipts

  • Indian Depository Receipts: Procedure for Making Issue of IDRs,
  • Conditions for Issue of IDRs, Listing of IDRs

Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956

SEBI Act, 1992

• Objective, Power and Functions of SEBI

• Securities Appellate Tribunal, Appeals, Appearance before SAT

Depositories Act, 1996

• Definitions, Setting up of Depository, its type, Role and Functions

• Depository Participants

• Admission of Securities

• Difference between Dematerialization & Rematerialisation

• Depository Process

• Inspection and Penalties

• Internal Audit and Concurrent Audit of Depository Participants


Issue and Listing of Securities

• Listing of Securities

• Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements (ICDR)

• Procedure for Issue of Various Types of Shares and Debentures

• Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme

• Delisting of Securities

Regulatory Framework relating to Securities Market Intermediaries

• Primary Market and Secondary Market Intermediaries: Role and Functions, Merchant Bankers, Stock Brokers, Syndicate Members, Registrars, Underwriters, Bankers to an Issue, Portfolio Managers, Debenture Trustees, Foreign Institutional Investors, Custodians, Credit Rating Agencies, Venture Capitalists

An Overview of Law relating to Insider Trading and Takeovers

  1. Investment Management-Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, -V.K Bhalla (S Chand & Co Ltd)
  2. Study Material Published by ICSI
  3. Scanner-Arun Kumar(Shuchita Prakashans(P) Ltd)
  4. Indian Financial System-M.Y Khan(Tatal Mc Graw Hill New Delhi)
  5. Guide to Indian Capital Market-Sanjeev Agarwal(Bharat Law Hous New Delhi)
  6. Capital Market in India- E Gordon & K Natarajan (Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai)
  7. Indian Financial System,- H.R Machiraju( Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd)
  8. Journal-SEBI and Corporate Laws (Taxmann)
  9. Journal-SEBI Monthly Bulletin
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