Business Entrepreneurship and Communication

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BCS 115
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Business Communication

Concept, features, importance, limitations; means of Communication- Written, Oral, Visual, Audio Visual; Principles and Essentials of Business Communication; Process of Communication; Barriers to Communication

Essentials of Good English

Grammar and Usage; enriching vocabulary, words- multiple meaning, single word for a group of words, choice of words, words frequently misspelt, punctuations, prefix and suffix, parts of speech, articles; synonyms and antonyms, tenses, idioms and phrases; foreign words and phrases commonly used; abbreviations and numerals; pronunciation, Latin, French and Roman words used in abbreviated form; Legal Terminologies- idioms and phrases


Business Correspondence

Introduction; Meaning of Business Correspondence; Importance of Business Correspondence; Essential Qualities of a Good Business Letter; Parts of a Business Letter; Types of Business Letters; Human Resource; Purchase; Sales; Accounts

Interdepartmental Communication

Internal memos; messages through Electronic Media; Public Notices and Invitations; Representations to Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Public Authorities


E Correspondence

Concept of E-Correspondence: Web, Internet; Concept of e-mail- History of E-mail, Features; Electronic Mail System- optimizing personal e-mail use, proper E-mail Correspondence, E-Mail Etiquette; Advantages and Disadvantages of E-mail; Intranet- Benefits of Intranet, Purpose of Intranet



Four Key elements of Entrepreneurship; Traits of an Entrepreneur; Characteristics of an Entrepreneur; Who is an Entrepreneur; Why Entrepreneurship; Types of Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship-Creativity and Innovation

Creativity and Innovation in an Entrepreneurial organization; Tools for Environment Scanning - SWOT Analysis, PESTLE Analysis, Porters approach to Industry Analysis; Environmental Scanning Process; Types of Environmental Scanning; Market Assessment; Assessment of Business Opportunities - Developing Effective Business Plans, identification and evaluation of the opportunity, Determination of the required Resources, management of the resulting enterprise


Growth and Challenges of Entrepreneurial Ventures

Entrepreneurial opportunities in contemporary business environment; Strategic Planning for emerging venture- Financing the entrepreneurial Business, Resource Assessment - Financial and Non-Financial; Fixed and Working Capital Requirement; Funds flow; Sources and means of Finance; Managing the growing Business- Effecting Change, Modernization, Expansion and Diversification

Social Entrepreneurship

Introduction; Definition of Social Entrepreneurship; Who is a Social Entrepreneur; how to identify a Social Entrepreneurship Opportunity; Creating a social business model; Funding social ventures; Strategies for success; Challenges for the Indian Social Enterprise Sector

Government Initiatives for Business Development

Skill India; Ease of Business; Start Up India; Stand Up India

  1. Jones, Gareth R. and George, Jennifer M., Contemporary Management, McGraw-Hill College, New Delhi, January 2007.
  2. Study Material Published by ICSI,   3. Scanner-Arun Kumar(Shuchita Prakashans (P) Ltd)
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