Course Objectives:
This course will enable the students to understand the process of conducting a research and prepare a report.
Course |
Course Outcomes |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Course Code |
Course Title |
24AAF614 |
Basics of Research Methodology (Theory) |
CO217: Attain knowledge regarding types of research and research design. CO218: Formulate an understanding regarding different measurement scales and methods of data collection along with questionnaire designing. CO219: Develop an understanding of sampling design and preliminary data analysis. CO220: Analyze the collected data using various descriptive and statistical tools and techniques. CO221: Interpret the data using statistical tests and construct a research report. CO222: Contribute effectively in course – specific interaction. |
Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussions, Tutorials, Problem solving sessions, Presentations
Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Case Study Analysis, Presentations, Group Discussions
Continuous Assessment Test, Semester End Examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Class Presentations, Individual and group projects. |
Research: Definition, characteristics, Research approaches, Types of Research, Research Process
Research Design: Meaning, Features of a good research design. Types of Research Design-Exploratory, Descriptive and Experimental studies
Measurement Scales-Types of scales- Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio scales, Scaling Techniques: Comparative and Non-comparative scaling
Data Collection: Primary and Secondary Data, Methods of collecting data, Questionnaire Designing
Sampling Design- Meaning of sample and population, Sampling techniques (Probability and Non-probability), sample size calculation
Preliminary Data Analysis: Significance, Descriptive statistics (Frequency distribution, Measures of Central tendency, Measures of Variability, Measures of Asymmetry)-Application only
Hypothesis Testing: Introduction, Procedure, Type I and Type II errors,
Two Tail and One Tail Tests, Test of Significance for Large Samples, Test of Significance for Small Samples (Student’s t Distribution),
Chi Square Test-Introduction, Test of Goodness of Fit, Test of Independence
Analysis of Variance: Introduction, Assumptions, One-Way and Two-Way classification
Report Writing: Types and qualities of a Research report, Report layout, Bibliography and References, Footnote, Endnote`
1. H K Dangi, Shruti Dewen, Business Research Methods, Cengage Learning
2. C.R.Kothari, Research Methodology, New Age Publication.
3. Badarkar, P.L. and Wilkinson T.S. (2000), Methodology and Techniques of Social Research, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
1. Naresh Malhotra, Marketing Research, Pearson Education.
2. William G Zikmund, Business Research Methods, Cengage learning
3. Sancheti & Kapoor, Statistics: Theory, Methods and Application, Sultan Chand & Sons
1. Marketing Research, Bajpai,
2. Research Methods for Business Students, 5e Saunders,
3. Research Methodology, 1e Chandra,
4. Marketing Research, 7/e (Revised) Malhotra,
Reference Journals:
1. International Journal of Financial Management
2. South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management
3. Vikalpa