Banking Law and Practices

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:


This course will enable the students to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Indian banking system, covering topics such as banking products and services, banker-customer relationships, negotiable instruments, loans and advances, and major provisions related to banking laws.


Course Outcomes: 


Course Outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title



















Banking Law and Practices


CO175: Develop relevant knowledge about the Indian banking system and compare the different types of products and services and third party products offered by various banks.

CO176: Differentiate between various innovative banking channels and to select the appropriate payment mechanism for effective transfer of funds.

CO177: Analyze the features of various negotiable instruments used in banking and to evaluate their role in effective fund transfer and discharge of debt obligation

CO178: Develop the knowledge about the laws related to various securities for banker's advances and Loans

CO179:  Evaluate and critically examine the role of various laws in effective functioning of Banking Industry in India.

CO180: Contribute effectively in course – specific interaction.

Approach In Teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Reading Assignments, Demonstration, PowerPoint Presentations,


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning Assignments, Presentations, Group Discussions, Case study Analysis


Continuous Assessment Test, Semester End Examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Class Presentations, Individual and group projects.


Unit I: 
Overview of Indian Banking System:

● Meaning, Types of Banks, Functions,
● Importance and credit creation.
● Banking Products and Services –Types of Deposits and retail loans, third party products

Unit II: 
Banker- Customer Relationship:

● Definition, Types of relationship,
● Banker right and garnishee order.
● Innovative Banking - Meaning, Significance and Features
● Channels of Banking - ATM, internet, mobile, phone banking, POS
● E- Payment mechanism of Banks - plastic cards NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, SWIFT, ECS, payment wallets.

Unit III: 
Negotiable Instruments:

● Promissory note, Bills of Exchange and Cheque and demand draft - Concept, Feature, Parties,
● Types .Acceptance , Payment and Collection of negotiable instruments
● Crossing of cheque: Concept and types of crossing.
● Endorsement, Presentment of Negotiable instruments

Unit IV: 
Loans and Advances:

● State Policy on Loans and Advances - Priority sector advances
● Securities for Banker's Advances and Loans- Modes of Charging Securities Lien, Pledge, Mortgage, Hypothecation etc. - Registration of Firms/Companies - creation of Charge and Satisfaction of Charge

Unit V: 
Major Provisions related to Banking Laws:

● RBI- Constitution of RBI & Management, Objectives, Functions, credit control measures
● Banking Regulation act 1949,
● Concept of Financial inclusion and financial literacy

Essential Readings: 

1. P.N. Varshney, Banking law and Practice, Sultan chand and Sons, Delhi
2. B.S. Khubehandani, Practice and Law of Banking, MacMillian India Limited
3. Jain, Khanna, Tiwari, “ Banking and Public Finance” V.K India Enterprises, New Delhi.
4. Natarajan S, Parameshwaran R, “ Indian Banking” S.Chand& Company LTD, New Delhi
5. Shrivastava P.K.,Banking Law & Practice, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.


1. Davar S.R., Banking Law & Practice, Vikas Publishing House, Delhi
2. Shrivastava R.S., Nigam Divya, Management of Indian Financial Institutions” Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi
3. TannanM.L.,Banking Law and Practice, Indian Law House, Delhi
4. Bhole, L. M., Financial Markets and Institutions, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi.

1. Inflibnet Shodhganga:
2. National Digital Library
3. World EBook Library
Reference Journals:
1. FIIB Business Review- http://
2. Vikalpa : http://
3. Directory of Open Access Journals

Academic Year: