Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics-II

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I Audit Committee and Corporate Governance: Audit committee; Role of auditor in Audit Committee and Certification of Compliance of Corporate Governance; Compliances with Laws and Regulations (SA 250 Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements); Disclosure requirements including those of SEBI; Regulatory requirements of Corporate Governance, Report on Corporate Governance.


II Audit of Consolidated Financial Statements: Provisions under the Companies Act, 2013 in respect of Accounts of Companies and Rules made there under; Audit of Consolidated Financial Statements- responsibility of parent company, auditor of the consolidated financial statements; audit considerations- permanent consolidation, current period consolidation; reporting.
Special features of audit of Banks, Insurance & Non Banking Financial Companies,


III Audit under Fiscal Laws: Audit under Fiscal Laws, viz, Direct and Indirect Tax Laws including documentation for Form 3CD etc.
Special Audit Assignments: Special audit assignments like audit of members of stock exchange, mutual funds, depositories, bank borrowers; Environmental audit; Energy audit; Audit of Stock and Debtors (Unit Inspections).
Audit of Public Sector Undertakings: Special features, Directions of Comptroller and Auditor General of India; Concept of propriety audit; Performance audit; Comprehensive audit.


IV Internal Audit, Management and Operational Audit: Provisions of internal audit as per Companies Act, 2013; Scope of internal auditing; Relationship between internal and external auditor; Basics of Internal Audit Standards issued by the ICAI; Drafting of Internal Audit Report; Management audit and Operational audit.
Due Diligence, Investigation and Forensic Audit: Due Diligence Review; Audit versus Investigation; Steps for investigation; Types of investigation; procedure, powers, etc. of investigator; Types of Fraud, indicators of fraud, follow-up thereof; Forensic audit- meaning, difference between statutory audit and forensic audit, forensic audit techniques, forensic audit report etc


V Peer Review and Quality Review
Professional Ethics: Code of Ethics with special reference to the relevant provisions of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and the Regulations thereunder.


1. Study Material Published by ICAI
2. Scanner-Arun Kumar (Suchitra Prakashan (P) Ltd)
3. Contemporary Auditing Kamal Gupta-(Tata McGraw Book Co., New Delhi )
4. Advanced Auditing and Investigation -Emile Woolf etal (Mcdonald & Evans, U.K. )
5. Management Auditing: A questionnaire approach R.J. Thirauf AMACOM Publication.
6. Auditing Today: Emile Woolf (Prentice Hall)
7. Compendium of Statements and Standards — Accounting and Auditing
8. Compendium of Guidance Notes Vol 1,11,111 and IV
9. Modem Internal Auditing (A Ronald Press Publication) Victor Z. Brink and Herbert Witt John Wiley & Sons USA
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