Course Objectives:
This course will enable the students to cultivate knowledge and understanding of the assurance engagement process within the context of the professional regulatory framework.
Course Outcomes (COs):
Course |
Course Outcomes |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Course Code |
Course Title |
24AAF411 |
Audit and Assurance (Theory) |
CO121: Develop an understanding of Audit framework, regulations, audit and governance. CO122: Analyze planning and risk assessment aspects involved in the audit. CO123: Describe the Internal control system, Audit Evidence and internal audit function. CO124: Distinguish between internal and external audit, Audit sampling and Computer-assisted audit techniques CO125: Analyze the concept of Subsequent events, Going concern, Written representations and auditor’s report. CO126: Contribute effectively in course – specific interaction. |
Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration,
Learning activities for the students: Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects |
• Audit Framework and Regulation: Concept of audit and other assurance Engagements, External audits, Corporate governance, Professional ethics and ACCA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct.
• Internal Audit and Governance: Differences between external audit and internal audit, scope of the internal audit function, outsourcing and internal audit assignments.
• Obtaining and accepting audit engagements, objective and general principles, Understanding the entity and its environment, Assessing audit risks, Fraud, laws and regulations.
• Audit planning and documentation.
• Work performed during interim and final audit.
• Internal control systems, uses and evaluation of internal control systems by auditors, Tests of control.
• Communication on internal control.
• Financial statement assertions and Audit Evidence.
• Audit procedures, Audit sampling and other means of testing.
• Audit of Specific items like inventory, receivables, cash and bank, common liabilities, directors remuneration and capital.
• Automated tools and techniques, Work of others and Not-for-profit organizations.
• Subsequent events, Going concern, Written representations.
• Audit finalization and the final review.
• Independent Auditors reports.
1. ACCA Study Text- Audit and Assurance (International)
1. ACCA F8 Audit and Assurance: Study Text
1. [2]
Reference Journals:
1. International Journal of Auditing