Course Objectives:
This course will enable the students to develop a conceptual understanding of financial accounting system and their application in business.
Course Outcomes (COs):
Course |
Learning outcomes (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Course Code |
Course Title |
24AAF115 |
Financial Accounting (Theory) |
CO25: Acquire conceptual knowledge of basics accounting & apply basic principles & IFRS of financial accounting and understand roles and responsibilities of different regulatory bodies CO26: Attain knowledge regarding the double entry accounting systems, source documents, recording basic financial transactions, ledger preparation and balancing thereof. CO27: Apply key concepts and record financial transactions with respect of tangible assets and intangible assets and other adjustments. CO28: Develop skills for preparation of financial statements and disclosure notes, identify errors, their rectification, and preparation of cash flows statements CO29: Preparation and interpretation of basic consolidated financial statements CO30: Contribute effectively in course – specific interaction. |
Approach in teaching: Explanations, Discussion, Solving Questions, Project, Field Trip, Field activities, Presentation,
Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, |
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects. |
• Financial reporting, identify, and define types of business entities, identify users of the financial statements and their needs, identify the purpose of the financial statements, and components of financial statements, and define the elements of financial statements.
• Apply qualitative characteristics – relevance, faithful representation, comparability, verifiability, timeliness, understandability
• Role of financial reporting regulatory systems, understand the role of IFRS standards, explain the concept of corporate governance, and discuss the duties and responsibilities of company directors.
• Main forms of business transactions and source documents, identify, and explain the main forms of accounting records, and understand and apply concepts of duality, double entry, and the accounting equation.
• Record sales, purchases, returns, discounts, and sales tax, and understand the concept of inventory valuation in accordance with standards and understand the other methods to ascertain the cost of inventory.
• Use of journals and the posting of journals into ledger accounts and learn to balance and close a ledger account.
• Non-current assets, explain, and discuss the difference between capital and revenue expenditure, explain the purpose of an asset register, prepare the ledger entries to record the acquisition of non-current assets, and define and learn the accounting treatment of depreciation charges.
• Disposal of non-current assets, record the profit and loss on disposal, record the revaluation of non-current assets, and record the profit and loss on disposal of the revalued asset.
• Difference between tangible and intangible non-current assets, define and explain the treatment of research cost and development cost, understand the amounts to be capitalized or expenses with regard to research and development, and learn the accounting process of amortization of intangible assets.
• Application of matching concepts with respect to accruals and prepayments, identify and learn the adjustments and record the appropriate adjustments, explain the receivables, understand the purpose of aged receivables, learn to record the irrecoverable debt and allowance for receivables adjustments in the ledger accounts, understand the capital structure of limited liability company, record movements in share capital and share premium, treatment of bonus issue, rights issue, dividends and income tax.
• Purpose of trial balance, identify the types of error, understand the purpose of a suspense account, prepare journal entries to correct errors, learn, and understand the impact of errors in the financial statements.
• Prepare financial statements, understand, identify and report reserves in financial statements, identify, and understand the items requiring separate disclosures required for financial statements, and define and classify events after the reporting period and their accounting treatment.
• Define the terms payables, provisions, contingent liabilities, and assets, learn the accounting treatment of provisions, contingent liabilities, and contingent assets.
• Understand the difference between profits and cash flows, learn the calculation of cash flows under operating activities, investing activities and financing activities, and preparation of statement of cash flows.
• Define parent, subsidiary, control, and non-controlling interest, understand and learn the components of and prepare a consolidated statement of financial position including the adjustments of fair values, intra-group trading, unrealized profits and learn the accounting treatment of goodwill using fair value method.
• Components of and prepare consolidated statements of profit or loss account.
• Purpose of interpretation and analysis of financial statements, learn the calculation and interpretation of profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, efficiency ratios and position ratios.
1. Financial Accounting-R.L Gupta, V.K Gupta( Sultan Chand& Sons)
2. Fundamentals of Financial Accounting- Dr Ashok Sehgal, Dr Deepak Sehgal (TaxMann’s)
3. Financial Accounting- Jain, Khandelwal Pareek (Ajmera Book Company)
1. Accountancy- PC Tulsian (Tata Mc- Graw-Hill)
2. Accountancy-DK Goel, Rajesh Goel(Arya Publications)
2. [2]
3. [3]
Reference Journals:
1. The Indian Journal of Commerce
2. [4]
3. IUP Journal of Accounting Research