Course Outcomes (COs):
Course Outcomes |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
On completion of this course, the students will be able to; CO 202:Awareness about the about powers and functions of RBI an appointment of its directors. Enable student to develop skills to solve practical situations through understanding Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying Bank and Case Laws on Responsibility of Collecting Bank. Demonstrate knowledge of different banking operations to provide understanding about IT in banking and various KYTC norms. CO 203: To categorize the banking system, regulatory framework of banks, constitution of banks and also about licensing procedures of banks Understand who has Control over Organization of Banks and how the banking business is regulated. CO 204: Understand the concept of negotiable instruments and duties of paying and collecting banks and understanding of various cases on responsibility of the collecting bank. Have an overview of Indian Banking System and understand the Regulatory Framework of Banks. CO 205: Categorization of various types of banks. CO 206: Evaluation of the concept of non performing assets. CO 207 :Mind mapping the various government schemes
Class lectures Seminars Tutorials Group discussions and Workshops Question preparation |
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Class interaction, Presentation, Case study analysis, Open ended questions, think-pair-share, Socratic seminar |
Overview of Indian Banking System:
Indian Banking System – Evolution; RBI and its role; Structure of Banks in India; Commercial Banks; Co-operative Banking System; Development Banks; NBFCs.
Regulatory Framework of Banks:
Constitution, Objectives, Functions & powers of RBI; Tools of Monetary Control; Regulatory Restrictions on Lending; Business of Banking; Constitution of Banks; RBI Act, 1934; Banking Regulation Act, 1949; Role of RBI; Govt. as a Regulator of Banks; Control over Co-operative Banks; Regulation by other Authorities.
Control over Organization of Banks :
Licensing of Banking Companies; Branch Licensing; Paid up Capital and Reserves; Shareholding in Banking Companies; Subsidiaries of Banking Companies; Board of Directors; Chairman of Banking Company; Appointment of Additional Directors; Restrictions on Employment; Control over Management; Directors and Corporate Governance.
Regulation of Banking Business:
Power of RBI to Issue Directions; Acceptance of Deposits; Nomination; Loans and Advances; Regulation of Interest Rate; Regulation of Payment Systems; Internet Banking Guidelines; Regulation of Money Market Instruments; Reserve Funds; Maintenance of CRR, SLR; Assets in India.
Banking operations :
Preparation of Vouchers, cash receipt and payment entries, clearing inward and outward entries, transfer debit and credit entries, what is KYC and what are the different documents to satisfy KYC, verify KYC and authenticity of documents, operational aspects in regard to opening of all types of accounts, scrutiny of loan applications / documents, allowing drawals and accounting entries involved at various stages, operational aspects of CBS environment etc., Back office operations in banks, handling of unreconciled entries in banks
IT in Banking :Overview of Banking services and IT related risk and controls, components and architecture of CBS, Core Business processes Flow and relevant risks and controls Reporting System and MIS, data analytics and business intelligence
Payment and Collection of Cheques and Other Negotiable Instruments: NI Act; Role & Duties of Paying & Collecting Banks; Endorsements; Forged Instruments; Bouncing of Cheques; Its Implications; Return of Cheques; Cheque Truncation System
Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying Bank :Negotiable Instruments Act and Paying Banks; Liability of Paying Banker; Payment in due course; Payment in Good Faith; Whether Payment under Mistake Recoverable.
Case Laws on Responsibility of Collecting Bank :Statutory protection to Collecting Bank; Duties of Collecting Bank.
Various Government Schemes :Pradhan Mantri Jan DhanYojana (PMJDY); SukhanyaSamridi Account; MUDRA Bank Yojana; Pradhan MantriJeevanJyotiBeemaYojana (PMJJBY); Pradhan Mantri Suraksha BimaYojana (PMSBY); Atal Pension Scheme.
Consumer Protection :Operational Aspects of Consumer Protection Act & Banking Ombudsman Scheme.
Loans and Advances : Different Types of Borrowers; Types of Credit Facilities- Cash Credit, Overdraft, Demand Loans, Term Loans, Bill Finance.
Securities for Banker’s Loans :Types of Securities; Assignment; Lien; Set-off; Hypothecation; Pledge; Mortgage; Indemnities and Guarantees; Factoring; Bill discounting; Letter of Credit; Commercial Papers; Bank Guarantees; Book debts; Corporate Securities; Charges.
Documentation: Types of Documents; Procedure; Stamping; Securitization.
Calculation of Interest and Annuities: Calculation of Simple Interest & Compound Interest; Calculation of Equated Monthly Installments; Fixed and Floating Interest Rates; Calculation of Annuities; Interest Calculation using Products / Balances; Amortization of a Debt; Sinking Funds.
Calculation of YTM: Debt- Definition, Meaning & Salient Features; Loans; Introduction to Bonds; Terms associated with Bonds; Cost of Debt Capital; Bond value with semi-annual Interest; Current Yield on Bond; Calculation of Yield-to- Maturity of Bond; Theorems for Bond Value; Duration of Bond; Properties of Duration; Bond Price Volatility.
Foreign Exchange Arithmetic: Fundamentals of Foreign Exchange; Forex Markets; Direct and Indirect Quote; Some Basic Exchange Rate Arithmetic – Cross Rate, Chain Rule, Value date, etc.; Forward Exchange Rates – Forward Points; Arbitrage; Calculating Forward Points; Premium / discount; etc.
Non Performing Assets: Definition; Income Recognition; Asset Classification; Provisioning Norms; CDR Financial Inclusion BC; BF; Role of ICT in Financial Inclusion, Mobile based transactions, R SETI.
Final Accounts of Banking Companies : Definition and Functions of a Bank; Requirements of Banking Companies as to Accounts and Audit; Significant Features of Accounting Systems of Banks; Principal Books of Accounts; Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements of Banks; CMA Format; Accounting Treatment of Specific Items; Preparation of Profit and Loss Account; Comments on Profit and Loss Account; Important Items of Balance Sheet; Disclosure Requirements of Banks; Additional Disclosures prescribed by RBI; Disclosures required under BASEL norms.
Risk Management in Banks and Basel Accords :Introduction to Risk Management; Credit Risk Management; Liquidity and Market Risk Management; Operational Risk Management; Risk Management Organization; Reporting of Banking Risk; Risk Adjusted Performance Evaluation; Basel- I, II & III Accords.