Course Objectives:
To acquire knowledge and understanding of the concepts, techniques and practices of Direct Tax and to develop skills for decision making.
Course Outcomes (COs):
BCS 314 |
Direct Tax-II |
CO 91:Categorize the provisions related to computation of taxable income under the head Capital Gain and Income from Other Sources CO 92:Review the provisions of Deemed Income, Set Off and Carry Forward of Losses and Deductions from Gross Total Income . CO 93:Collaborating the special provisions of income tax related to assessment of companies. . CO 94:Appraising special provisions of income tax related to Advance payment of Tax and Procedure of assessment. CO 95:Understand different provisions relating Calculation of tax liability of different entities CO 96:To analyse the way computation of self assessment tax . |
Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Tutorials, Class discussion Learning activities for the students: To give assignments & application based questions. |
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving Numerical problems in tutorials, Assignments, Class Presentation, Individual and group projects |
Deductions from Gross Total Income & Rebate and Relief : Deductions in respect of certain payments; Specific deductions in respect of certain income; Deductions in respect for donations for expenditure under CSR activities; Rebates and Reliefs.
Classification and Tax Incidence on Companies :Computation of taxable income and tax liability of Company; Dividend Distribution Tax; Minimum Alternate Tax ‘MAT’; Other Special Provisions Relating to Companies;
Procedural Compliance : Permanent Account Number ‘PAN’ / Tax Collection Account Number ‘TAN’; Tax Deduction at Source ‘TDS’ & Tax Collection at Source ‘TCS’
Advance Tax & Self Assessment Tax ‘SAT’; Returns Procedural, Signatures, E-Filing ; Fee and interest for default in furnishing return of Income ; Collection, Recovery of Tax, Refunds.
Assessment, Appeals & Revision: Assessment; Types of Assessment; Appeals; Revisions; Search, Seizure, Penalty and offences.
1. Study Material Issued by ICSI
2. Scanner-ArunKumar(ShuchitaPrakashan (P) Ltd)