The objective is to make students aware of the concepts of management.
Staffing: Manpower planning, Job analysis-job specification, job description, Recruitment, Sources of recruitment, Selection process, Training-objectives & methods.
Leadership: Functions, Qualities, Leader vs. manager, Leadership theories- Trait theory, Situational behavioral theories, Leadership styles (Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez Faire)
Motivation: Concept, Elementary study of Motivation theories (Maslow’s-Need hierarchy, McGregor-X-Y theory, Herzberg-Motivation-Hygiene theory), Types of motivation, techniques, essentials of a good motivation plan.
Coordination: Meaning, types, Principles, Techniques
Communication: Meaning, Importance, Process, types, barriers, essentials of effective communication.
Controlling: Nature of control in organizations, Types of control, Steps in the control process, Controlling Techniques, Characteristics of Good Control System, Problems and Limitations of Control, MBE.