To develop a conceptual understanding of financial accounting system and their application in business
Royalty Accounts: Meaning of Minimum Rent, Short Working,
Excess Working, Recoupment of Short Workings, Accounting in
the books of Lessee and Lessor, Sub Lease
Accounting for Lease: Financial and Capital Lease.
Departmental Accounts: Advantage of Departmental Accounting, Allocation of Departmental Expenses, Distinction between Departmental Accounts and Branch Accounts, Cost Based Transfer Price, Market Based Transfer Price, Ascertainment of Departmental Profit
Branch Accounts: -Difference between Branch and Departmental
Dependent Branches: Method of Accounting for Branch
Debtors System, Stock and Debtors System, Final Account System
Independent Branches: Incorporation of Branch Assets and
Liabilities, Abridged Incorporation
Foreign Branches
Accounting for Investment: Fixed Income Bearing Securities, Variable Income Bearing Securities, Accounting Arrangement of Fixed Income Bearing Security, Purchase/Sale of Investment on the Date of Payment of Interest Purchase/Sale of Investment before the Date of Payment of Interest Adjustment for Equity Shares Investment Account Insurance Claims-Claims under fire insurance policies, Claim for Loss of Stock, Claim for Loss of Profit
Hire Purchase and Installment Sale Transaction: Nature of Hire Purchase Agreement, Ascertainment of Total Cash Price, Accounting Arrangement of Hire Purchase Transaction in the Books of Hire Purchaser and Hire Vendor, Hire Purchase Agreement for Goods of Small Value Installment Payment System: Difference between Hire Purchase System and Installment Payment System, Accounting Arrangement, In the Books of Buyer and Seller
• Financial Accounting-R.L Gupta, V.K Gupta( Sultan Chand& Sons)
• Modern Accountancy-A Mukherjee, M Hanif. (Tata Mc- Graw-Hill)
• Fundamentals of Financial Accounting- Dr Ashok Sehgal, Dr Deepak Sehgal (TaxMann’s)
• Financial Accounting- Jain, Khandelwal Pareek( Ajmera Book Company)
• Accountancy- PC Tulsian (Tata Mc- Graw-Hill)
• Accountancy-DK Goel, Rajesh Goel(Arya Publications)
• An Introduction to Accountancy- S.N Maheshwari(Vikash Publishers)
• Fundamental of Accounting-Dr T P Ghosh,(Sultan Chand& Sons)